Below are some areas of interest from
the book,
Crossing Over and Coming Home, that might be useful
in sending us your NDE stories. Feel free to use some of these
ideas or simply tell your story via your own narration. Contact
information can be found at the bottom of this page. Thanks
in advance for your interest in this project!
1. General Items: Did you have an NDE?
Did it change your life in any way? Did it affect your life
in any positive or negative way? Did you discuss your NDE with
anyone? Did your NDE affect relationships? Did your NDE affect
your sexuality?
2. The Tunnel: Did your NDE include a
tunnel? Did you pass through darkness in a tunnel? Was there
any sound in the tunnel? Were you pulled through a tunnel? Were
there other people or animals in the tunnel? Did you feel peaceful
in the tunnel? Did you experience a sort of healing? Did you
merge with a light? Did you feel an element of love? Did you
share your NDE with others? Did you hear music in the tunnel?
Did you meet a religious or spiritual leader? Did you feel fear?
Did any questions come to mind? Were there any questions answered
that were not asked?
3. The Light: Did you experience the
presence of light? Was the light the same or different as the
light on Earth? Did you feel comfort within the light? Did you
feel frightened? Did you move into the light? Did a light come
from you and/or others? Did you merge with the light? What was
the color of the light?
4. The Angels: Did you have an angel
with you in the NDE? Did an angel talk with you? Did an angel
offer you advice?
5. The Life Review: Did you have a life
review? Did you see yourself at an earlier age? Did you see
yourself with other people or entities? Did other people or
beings talk with you about your life? Did you see yourself or
others living at another time?
6. Dreams: Describe your dreams since
your NDE.
7. Space Travel: Did you travel to some
other location in your NDE? Did you spend time with others?
Did you recognize the people you visited? Did you converse with
others? Did others talk with you? Did you encounter animals?
Did you travel in a vehicle? Did you move about more or less
easily than you do on Earth? Did you travel to some other location
in your NDE?
8. Lessons Learned: Did you learn something
new in your NDE? Did your interest in spirituality change in
any way? Did other people think you have changed since your
NDE? Have you sought assistance since your NDE? Have you noticed
a change in your energy level? Have you attended any
International Association of
Near-Death Studies (IANDS) groups?
9. Life After Your NDE: Are you more
or less sensitive to light? Did you have problems with your
wrist watch? Did your IQ change? Did you share your NDE with
other people? Do you have problems with electricity or electromagnetic
fields? Did you have any problem reintegrating since your NDE?
Thanks so much for your interest in this new website!! To send
in your story or ask any questions, contact Dr. Liz Dale
ADDRESS: Liz Dale, Ph.D., P.O. Box 153, Pinole,
CA 94564